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Emily Graham

Planning a Brand Shoot

A brand photo shoot helps your audience connect with you by capturing the spirit of who you are and what you do. Whether you’re a creative, a therapist, an entertainer, or a small business owner, we will work together to create a library of beautiful branded imagery that you can use across all of your online profiles, social media platforms, print, and your website.

When you book a personal branding session, you invest in yourself and your business.

Your session will be unlike anyone else’s because you and your business are unique. We will work closely together to tailor the experience to you and your needs but this guide will give you some tips and help you prepare as best as you can for the session so we can make the most of our time together.

Let's capture the 'spirit' of who you are and what you love to do...

How do you want to use your photos?

Knowing how and where you want to use the photos can help you decide what package you need for your brand photography session and most brand photographers will have a range of packages to suit your needs. There are so many ways you can incorporate your branded images throughout your digital and print marketing platforms and even reuse them as bespoke content. It's good to think about where you will be using your images and how much variety you need. It's also good to think about the type of content you want to create. For example, if you are trying to show your clients what you do, you might want some images of you at work. I’ll send you a questionnaire before we have our planning session over the phone. This will help me learn about your brand and past clients have said they found it helped them get a clear idea of what they need. I've written a blog dedicated to how to make the most of your brand photos which you can read here.


You might have strong ideas already about where you want your shoot to take place or perhaps you need some guidance. Your home or your workspace could be perfect for the session if you want to show what you do on a day-to-day basis. This is also a good option if you think you will feel more comfortable in a private and familiar place. If you feel like an outdoor space represents you better, then we can think about locations that we can use for free with a variety of backdrops to make the most of our time together.

If a location is something you want to invest in then we can also discuss locations for hire including gorgeous studios and workspaces.

Mindset preparation

Most of us don't like having our picture taken. Unsurprising really given the way society has conditioned us to feel inadequate and insecure about how we look. We are all burdened by a host of negative beliefs about ourselves and changing that takes time. BUT! I love working in a way that encourages other women to enjoy being visible and feel proud of what they do. Here are a few things you can do to prepare yourself emotionally.

Remember your WHY: It can be helpful to remember your "why." This means reflecting on why you are doing this photo shoot and what it means to you. Ultimately, if you aren't going to shout about what you do, who is? By focusing on your purpose, you can feel more motivated and empowered to take photos.

Storyboard with me: Share pictures of the kind of portraits and images you like. Things you think you would feel comfortable doing. Consider what you want to communicate about yourself and your brand.

Practice on your own: Practice posing. Take some pictures on your phone using the timer or practice different poses in front of a mirror to find what works best for you.

Trust!: Trusting your photographer is a key element of a successful portrait session. I'm here to help you feel at ease and guide you through the process. It's really important to communicate with me about any concerns or preferences you have. I'm always open to suggestions. My ultimate goal is to help you have fun and to capture the best possible images of you.

Hair and makeup

This really is such a personal thing. Some people love to have their makeup done professionally before the session as it gives them confidence. Others love to do their makeup themselves or opt to wear none if they don't usually wear it. I recommend wearing the same amount of makeup that you would wear on a night out. The most important thing is that you look and feel like you. This isn’t the best time to try a completely new style. If you want recommendations for local makeup artists, just let me know.


Have as many outfits as possible for your brand shoot as clothing is what makes the images diverse so it’s good to mix it up. I suggest 3-5 outfits depending on the length of your shoot. The clothes you choose need to show off the real you, but the very best version of you even if your style is very casual. If you are a fitness instructor for instance and normally wear trainers it’s important to make sure that you are wearing your best trainers! Make sure that everything you are wearing is clean and ironed and looks as new as possible. If you don’t normally wear dresses or accessories, don’t choose the day of your shoot to start experimenting. Feeling comfortable and confident in your clothes is really important. If you feel good it will show in your photos. I've written a whole blog dedicated to clothing which you can check out here.


After our session, I go through and select the best images and individually, crop and grade them. I don't use Photoshop or airbrushing tools. I will remove temporary blemishes such as spots and scratches but keep permanent fixtures such as moles. This is something we can discuss in more detail over the phone.

Around 14 days after the session you will receive a link to a gallery where all your final images (anywhere between 50-250 depending on the length of our shoot) can be viewed and you can start selecting your favorites to purchase and instantly download.

Your shoot, your way.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to photography. Your business won't be like any other and neither will you. We can do visibility your way.

It’s up to you how you want to be seen in your photos. I would always recommend staying authentic to yourself and your personality. That said, it's my job to make these images sing to your audience and help the real you shine through. I love helping other women feel seen, heard and celebrated through photography. which is why I work with you to create a supportive playful space where you can confidently showcase your unique spirit in a way that works for you.

Want to find out more about booking a brand shoot?

I really hope this has helped answer some of the questions you might have had about Personal Branding Photography. To check out my Personal Branding packages please click here.

Emily X

Please get in touch if you want to know more about any of the other photography services I offer,

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